How to Make Greek Moussaka

Being part Greek, Moussaka holds a special place in my culinary heart. It's one of those dishes that, yes, requires a bit of time and patience, but trust me, the effort is utterly worth it. The journey of making Moussaka takes me back to my roots every single time, especially since I first learned the ropes from my Mum. Now, I've got to whisper a little secret here—I dare say my version has nudged past hers in the taste department. Sorry, Mum! She tends to skip a crucial step to speed up the process, but I've found that taking your time with each layer truly elevates the dish.

For those unfamiliar, Moussaka is a glorious Greek casserole, a layered affair of eggplants, potatoes, a rich meat sauce, and topped with a creamy béchamel that browns beautifully in the oven. It's a dish that speaks of home, of tradition, and of gatherings where everyone eagerly awaits the first scoop hitting their plate.

The Secret's in the Layers

Each layer of Moussaka is a story on its own, beginning with the eggplants that I insist on salting and letting sit to draw out bitterness, then frying to perfection. My Mum might skip this step for the sake of time, but it's here where patience starts to pay off.

Next up, the meat sauce, simmered with a blend of spices that fill the kitchen with aromas of cinnamon, oregano, and garlic. It's a comforting scent that promises something wonderful is on its way.

The Béchamel Challenge

Ah, the béchamel sauce—this is where many take a deep breath. But here's the thing: with a little patience and a lot of whisking, achieving that smooth, creamy sauce isn't just possible; it's going to be one of your proudest kitchen moments. The key is to add the milk slowly, keep the heat gentle, and whisk away any lumps that dare to form.

Layering Up

Building the Moussaka is almost meditative. There's something incredibly satisfying about laying down each component, knowing that together, they'll create something truly special. And then, into the oven it goes, where all the flavors meld under a golden layer of béchamel.

Worth Every Moment

Yes, making Moussaka is a bit of a project. But as the saying goes, good things come to those who wait (and put in a little effort). When you finally pull that bubbling dish out of the oven, and the first forkful hits your taste buds, all the steps and time invested come to fruition in the most delicious way.

Sharing this dish with family and friends, seeing their reactions to the first bite, and knowing the love and tradition baked into each layer—that's what makes Moussaka not just a meal, but an experience. It's a testament to the beauty of Greek cuisine and the joy of cooking something that's been passed down through generations.

So, whether you're part Greek or simply a lover of good food, I encourage you to give Moussaka a try. Take your time, enjoy the process, and who knows? You might just end up saying your version is better than mine (or even my Mum's—but let's keep that between us). Happy cooking!


  • 2 Large Eggplants
  • 4 Tablespoons of Salt
  • 5 to 6 potatoes Sliced 
  • 500g mince beef
  • Olive oil for frying
  • 4 cloves of garlic diced or 1 Diced Onion
  • 2 can of diced Italian Tomatoes
  • 140g of Tomato Paste
  • 2 tablespoons of Soy Sauce
  • 3 Carrots Diced
  • 1 teaspoon of Veggie Stock 
  • 1 cup of water for Veggie Stock
  • 2 tablespoons of Maple Syrup
  • 1/2 to 1 cup parmesan cheese
  • For the Bechamel Sauce
  • 2 cups Milk
  • 2 tablespoons Unsalted Butter
  • 2.5 tablespoons of All Purpose Flour
  • Nutmeg and Salt to taste

1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees celcius or 356 degrees farenheit)
2. Wash and cut eggplant into thick slices
3. Place them in a bowl and add a generous amount of salt, cover with a towel and set aside.
4. Heat up saucepan and add olive oil. Add garlic and soften before adding tomato paste. Place on low heat and simmer for 10 mins. Stirring occasionally.
5. Introduce the minced beef on medium heat. Continue to stir until meat begins to very lightly brown.
6. Add carrots and diced Italian Tomatoes, continue to stir until sauce begins to simmer. Cover, reduce to low heat and set timer for 20 mins. Give a stir from time to time.
7. Prepare veggie stock, using the bowl from the tomato paste or tub of tomato paste, add water and veggie stock. Mix altogether.
8. Once the sauce has simmered for 20 mins add veggie stock to the sauce. Add Soy sauce and maple syrup. Let it simmer on low heat for 30 mins, stirring occasionally.
9. Wrap eggplants in a towel and give it a good shake to remove excess moisture.
10. Heat up a pan with oil. Fry eggplants until golden brown and add salt.
11. Prepare bechemal sauce. In a seperate saucepan, heat up the milk (I like to use my coffee milk jug with thermometer). In a seperate saucepan melt butter and slowly whisk in the flour. Once thickened, slowly pour in the milk whisking it into a smooth consitncy. Add a inch of cinnamon and salt to taste. Make sure you taste test to adjust.
12. Let's layer. In a baking dish, add a samll layer of bechamel sacuce. Begin to layer with eggplants, potatoes, and meat sauce, repeat the process beginning with eggplant. For the final layer pour in the bechamel sauce and add a genorus amount of parmesan cheese.
13. Place in the preheated oven at 180 degrees celcius or (356 degrees farenheit) for 1 hour or until potatoes have cooked through.
14. Once cooked, let moussaka rest for 10 to 15 mins. Then time to Enjoy!!

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